Thursday, 25 April 2013

Evaluation - Question 7

In the most recent project, there is a considerable difference in the skill used in comparison with our preliminary task showing that we have learnt alot in terms of using the cameras, editing and composition.
In our final product, we have shown more of an improvement in terms of continuity editing and timing, here we can see that our editing was very amateur and didn't look as though the transition was very smooth, in the final product we have used much more noticeable camera techniques that show we can use the cameras well and also that we had a good idea of how we wanted to piece to flow, and how we could attain this smooth transtion. i believe our camerawork has improved considerably in comparison with our older piece because the camera was more shaky in our preliminary and in the thriller opening our camerawork is smooth with skilled and smooth pan shots that look professional. We also use match on action in our thriller opening which helps to carry on the situation and gives us more of a linking plot line.

We have also improved our storyline and creative ideas, in this piece the idea was quite tacky and looked very immature, in our final piece we decided to go for a different and more serious situation that would cause more people to think about our piece rather than laugh at it, this wasn't the sort of piece we would have chosen to do earlier in the year as we immediately chose immature subject matters.

Our framing in our preliminary task wasn't abiding to the 180 degree rule and this has improved considerably in our thriller opening we have clearly used this rule throughout without breaking it. There is also a problem with editing in the preliminary as we can hear the camera clicking as it's turned on and off, this should have been edited out, we haven't made this mistake in our most recent piece because overall we have learnt to be more careful about our editing and take more time to put it together without adding in these unnecessary sounds.
I feel that i have developed my eye for these mistakes and i don't think i will make this mistake in the future.

Here we have cut out alot of the scene in terms of framing, this is a mistake that people will make when they are new to using cameras and i feel that i have stopped making this mistake with prolonged use of cameras.

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