Thursday, 13 December 2012

Picture of location ideas for thriller


I chose to look at an alley for a possible location for a thriller because I thought that this particular alley could be used to add some haunting shots of a protagonist walking away from the shot to create some mystery and suspense because we could make the character's identity unclear.

Gates/Inside of Graveyard
I took pictures here because I thought that the architecture of the gates and the house could be inkeeping with the sort of atmosphere we want to evoke through our thriller opening. They are not the types of places you would feel safe in as they seem very solitary and this may make our viewers feel more uneasy about the events they see taking place in these areas.

Industrial Estate
I looked for a location which I thought would emphasise the idea that a thriller could take place in a normal location but with a few lighting changes it could appear more threatening and leave the unsuspecting viewer scared that this sort of situation could happen near them.

I looked for a bridge because a tracking shot across it may look effective in showing the characters rushing somewhere or walking across to again build suspense and leave the audience wondering where they are going and what the bridge is leading to. Also, I thought the river would work well if we shot something floating a way giving a sense of loss.

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